Feeding squirrels to the nuts

I was a young graphic designer fresh out of art college, wearing baggy jeans, surfing too much and not working too hard, I arrived at Swansea to study graphics (chosen only to be close to the sea... ). I was a staunch follower of David Carson and debated often about the whys and wherefores of deconstructivism's place in the new world of Graphic Design. On some of my many travels through reference books and new wave art i found this poster project being produced by the cactus network - some place i still have the packaging and posters but you can see the site and what it was all about here :


It was something that made me think of posters in a different way - i see them more as a degradable link to our time - they look great when you put them on the wall the first time but they do break up - and show the scares of being viewed and moved.

The project 'feeding squirrels to the nuts' was an off shoot project by Tony Credland.

Contributors included work from Cyan (Berlin), Cloaca Maxima (Gent), Tat & Whimsey, Melisa Price, Cactus (London), Co-op design (Mainz), Coloured hard (New York), Ian Noble (Portsmouth) and Cactus (Munchen). With writing from Michele-Anne Dauppe and Teal Triggs. Ryan McGinness (NY),Grrr (Barcelona), Cactus (Munchen) Stamp (St Etienne), WD+RU, Karen Eliot, Graphic Thought Facility, Luther Blissett, Paul Anderson (London) Utopia (Paris), Marion Burbulla (Berlin).

With writing from: Teal Triggs and Cees Hamelink. Andrea Kreuse, Jurgen Albrecht, Marion Delhees, Achim Wieland, Ola Giza, Sarah Mansell, Daniel Borck, Tony Credland, Filipa Pais Rodrigues, Zeina Maasri, Glenn Orton, Peter Bilak, Daan van der Velden and Matthew Shadbolt With writing by Jan van Toorn, Paul Elliman, Andrew Blauvelt, Jean Fisher, Sylvie Toux, John Bird, Cees Hamelink, Teal Triggs, Paul Newson, and Micheal Rock.

for insperation have a look around - particularly http://www.cactusnetwork.org.uk/inspiration.htm